Educational Assistance to War Affected Children - Charity Apple
Fund Cause
Educational Assistance to the war affected children of Puthukudiruppu School

Progress since January 02, 2014

Total of Rs. 54,000

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  • 100% FUNDED
  • Rs. 0MORE TO GO

* A bank charge of 2.5% on the transaction amount would apply for credit or debit card donations.

*Alternatively, a bank transfer/ deposit can be made to our bank account without the application of the 2.5% transaction fee. Kindly, follow up your donation with an email to us with your deposit slip for record purposes.

30 war affected children from PTK school.
6-7 years
Puthukudiruppu RC School

There are 275-300 children at the Puthukudiruppu RC School. They come from the war torn part of the island.

Many families could not go to their own homes when they were resettled and so they are currently living in the jungle area which is not cleaned up. They are living under plastic sheets and broken tin sheets that they used whilst in the camp. The children have no proper place to study. Some schools are still huts which are open to the sky. Even at home they have no facilities for studies.

The children and women are the most vulnerable group. Their security and protection are becoming a problem. The children are living in a very vulnerable and insecure situation and as a result they become the target of abuse very easily. Educating, feeding and clothing the children has become a big burden to their parents who don't have a proper income nor regular income. Most of them are coolie workers and have to search for work in order to provide for the family.

The widows do not have employment skills and opportunities. There are approximately 90, 000 war widows. Unemployment often leads them to prostitution leaving the children of widows in a very vulnerable state. They are in an insecure and unsafe situation when the mothers have to go to work. It is a constant dilemma for the mothers - whether to work or stay at home and protect their children.

The education of these children has been disturbed for nearly 10 years due to displacement the war has created. They have missed many opportunities for entertainment, recreation, social interaction, leisure activities and so on. All they were familiar with were war, bombs, shells, war planes, death, disabled and wounded. It is this pathetic environment that forces some children to be brought to Children's Homes.

How you can help
The above scenarios are the backgrounds of the children attending PTK. The children who are from grade 01 -11 are between 06 - 16 years of age. Since they are war affected and economically backward, they face lots of hardships in fulfilling the requirements for their education. We are trying to raise funds to assist these children with stationery, school bags and shoes.


100% of your donation fund stationary, a school bag and a pair of shoes (with socks) for 30 children from Grade 1. The cost is Rs. 1800/- per child.

The breakdown is as given below:
A pair and shoes and socks: 1000/- Stationary including instrument box: 350/- School bag: 450/-

The names of the Grade 1 students are given below:

  1. J Sanjey
  2. K Sivanjan
  3. R Anushan
  4. A anujan
  5. A Anoj
  6. K Suhanjan
  7. J Sutharsan
  8. T Anushian
  9. A thebesan
  10. L Piradeepan
  11. S. Mithunilavan
  12. R Subesan
  13. L Diluxan
  14. S Jathursan
  15. S Elilmaran
  16. R Thamialchelvan
  17. A theva Ahalaya
  18. M Athursha
  19. M Anne Bojiga
  20. J Theebiha
  21. K Mary Consiha
  22. P Kayalvili
  23. Jensiya
  24. N Sathuchalini
  25. S Puvalenthini
  26. S Pituntha
  27. A Pooja
  28. S Kaviyalan
  29. J Jensiya
  30. P Prasath

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Optional Donation for our Operations

Because we're committed to using 100% of every rupee donated to fund people in need, we rely on small optional donations from people like you to help cover our operating expenses.

By donating to our operations, you're investing in our long-term mission by helping us pay for things like credit card processing fees, supplies, staff, travelling and other operational costs.

Thanks for helping us keep the lights on!


Optional Donation for our Operations

Drop off your donation at 78, Layards Road, Colombo 05. Please hand over your donation to Ms. Safra Mohideen and remember to clearly state the amount and cause that you are donating to. Drop off times are Monday to Friday 9:00AM to 5:00PM. Click here for a route map


Deposit the funds to the below bank account. Please clearly indicate the cause title when making your donation.

Account Name: Rotary Club of Colombo
Account Number: 076010002175
Bank: Hattion National Bank
Branch: Cinnamon Gardens, No. 251, Dharmapala Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka