Family of seven impacted by Covid -19 - Charity Apple
Fund Cause
Financial support for a family of 7 impacted by COVID-19

Progress since June 25, 2021

Total of Rs. 162,000

Currency Converter
  • 100% FUNDED
  • Rs. 0MORE TO GO

* A bank charge of 2.5% on the transaction amount would apply for credit or debit card donations.

*Alternatively, a bank transfer/ deposit can be made to our bank account without the application of the 2.5% transaction fee. Kindly, follow up your donation with an email to us with your deposit slip for record purposes.

A family of seven
3 adults, 3 children (aged 11, 14 & 18), 1 elderly

The husband was employed in the tourism sector and the wife as the caretaker of an elderly woman, but following the Easter Attacks in 2019 and COVID-19 in 2020-21, they have lost their jobs and the family has been struggling to survive. They have 3 school-going children (aged 11, 14 & 18), who have not been able to attend school since 2019. The wife’s brother was employed in the entertainment industry, and is currently unemployed due to the COVID 19 pandemic. They all currently live in one house with the wife’s mother.


The husband now uses his personal vehicle for Pick Me and Uber Eats deliveries to earn some income, but it is insufficient to cover daily expenses. They have outstanding utility (electricity & water) bills amounting to Rs. 100,000, which must be paid urgently as they have received Red Notices. They also have a monthly vehicle lease and loan payment of Rs. 58,000 to pay off.


  1. We are committed to complete transparency. A detailed report will be submitted at the completion of each cause 
  2. Bank charges of 2.5% incurred for credit/debit card transactions has been added to the total value of the cause.

Optional Donation for our Operations

Because we're committed to using 100% of every rupee donated to fund people in need, we rely on small optional donations from people like you to help cover our operating expenses.

By donating to our operations, you're investing in our long-term mission by helping us pay for things like credit card processing fees, supplies, staff, travelling and other operational costs.

Thanks for helping us keep the lights on!


Optional Donation for our Operations

Drop off your donation at 78, Layards Road, Colombo 05. Please hand over your donation to Ms. Safra Mohideen and remember to clearly state the amount and cause that you are donating to. Drop off times are Monday to Friday 9:00AM to 5:00PM. Click here for a route map


Deposit the funds to the below bank account. Please clearly indicate the cause title when making your donation.

Account Name: Rotary Club of Colombo
Account Number: 076010002175
Bank: Hattion National Bank
Branch: Cinnamon Gardens, No. 251, Dharmapala Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka